What do you want to BE, DO and HAVE? Achieve your goals…

…if you know what you want out of your personal and business life then you are much more likely to notice and seize the opportunities for moving forward.

Here’s an exercise to prompt your thinking – best done over a few days so find a way that suits you of capturing some thoughts on everything that you would like to BE, DO or HAVE in your ideal life…

Thinking about these topic areas might help to give you a rich coverage:

  • Financial
  • Career/work
  • Health – physical and spiritual
  • Love or relationships
  • Family and Friends
  • Personal development/growth
  • Leisure/community contribution
  • Living environment

BE is about you, your career,  your character, the things you want to be remembered for: eg, a successful doctor, a nurturing parent, inspiring to others, a marathon runner, etc.

Note: the above are examples – what you want to be is very personal to you.

DO is about achieving and experiencing –  places you would like to visit, hobbies you want to pursue, activities at work and at home: eg, go on a cruise, learn to play the piano, go to the cinema at least once a month, make a difference to others through community work, etc.

HAVE is about possessions and wider things that make life enjoyable: health, freedom, friends, security.

Give it a go – open your imagination and write down everything that comes to mind.

Then put your thoughts aside and let your subconscious work on this over a few days.  Come back to your list or whatever other notes you’ve made and go through it again.  As you read – visualise what it would be like to BE, DO and HAVE those things – cross off anything that doesn’t now seem compelling and add any other thoughts.

Score each thing to indicate how much it would change your life and identify the top 5 things at the bottom.  Make these your priorities for action and more detailed goal setting/action planning.

If you would like a worksheet for this exercise, please email me at zoe@zwcoaching.co.uk – with BE, DO, HAVE worksheet in subject line.