Raising awareness of impacts of own behaviours

Three quotes from executive team leaders following individual coaching and two team days:

“The coaching has really assisted me in reflecting on my work practice and exploring different ways of dealing with things. As my golf coach put it – don’t be surprised, if you keep doing the same things, that you get the same results! I am sure I will be a better leader as a consequence if only because I am more aware of my own behaviour and failings and its impact on others.”

“The coaching has helped me to identify better ways of responding to staff, e.g. in a way that gives them permission to do things themselves rather than pass the task to me.”

“The open and honest dialogue has given me a good insight into the positive areas of my behaviour and those which could benefit from improvement. I didn’t realise the impact my inability to control my behaviour due to frustrations and stress impacted on others in the team. I now have a better understanding and am working to reduce stress and frustration and modify my reactions to them.”