Beliefs – are yours empowering you or holding you back?

Think bubbleBeliefs are the stories we tell ourselves that build up our version of ‘reality’.  They inform the decisions we take and the way we live our lives and underpin our self esteem and confidence.  Some are helpful and some can be destructive – as Henry Ford highlighted in his quote:

 “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right!”

One might feel empowered by thinking things like:

  • The world’s my oyster
  • Success comes to those who persevere
  • I accept the body and face that I’ve been given

And held back by limiting beliefs such as:

  • People like me don’t get jobs with global companies
  • I can’t do it
  • Nobody appreciates me
  • I don’t have enough time

The beliefs we hold are often deep-seated and come from figures of influence in our early lives – our parents, relatives, teachers, etc.  They can also come from playground taunts. Identity statements such as ‘you’re an idiot’, ‘big nose’, ‘useless’, ‘fatty’, etc, can undermine confidence and self esteem.

Some beliefs are in the form of old wives tales and superstitions – who avoids stepping on the pavement cracks or madly counts magpies as if seeing a single one will really change the course of your luck that day?

Beliefs manifest themselves in the things we say to ourselves in our heads – our ‘self talk’.  It’s surprising how many negative thoughts some people’s brains feed them each day.  Turn on your self awareness and monitor what percentage of the thoughts your inner voice feeds you each day are negative.

Limiting beliefs are like weeds – it’s possible to uproot them but better if we plant a seed of something positive that we can nurture and grow.  Take for example the negative self talk belief:

 “I always mess up”

This could be ‘reframed’ in a positive way that enables acceptance and learning:

“Like most people, sometimes I get things wrong, but I can learn from my mistakes and give myself credit for when I do things well.” 

What do you believe that empowers you? And what beliefs do you have that keep you stuck/hold you back?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself for any limiting beliefs:

  • Where did this belief come from?
  • What evidence do you have for it?
  • If it came from a person, what credence do you give to their opinion?  Are they always right?
  • What is this belief costing you?
  • How will life be different if you let go of this belief?
  • What would be a more empowering belief to put in its place? Write it in the first person ( personal) and present tense, make it possible and positive


Set yourself small goals and boost your belief when you achieve them

Your past does not equal your future – you can choose your beliefs and your attitudes…and the people you are around.  If you want to fly with the eagles, don’t scratch around with the turkeys!