“Do”s and “Don’t”s of Job Applications
Applying for a job? Make an effort please!

I’ve been helping out a client with recruitment over the last couple of weeks. It’s been a real eye opener to be on the receiving end of applications when usually I’m working with clients to make sure they make effective ones. Here are my top dos and don’ts based on some strange and bewildering experiences.
- Put in your application and then ignore any phone calls or messages from the company you’ve applied to!
- Claim that you are the best candidate for the role – how do you know what the others have to offer?
- Cut off a telephone interview part way through then disappear without contact or explanation.
- Cut and paste your intro paragraph from a standard response or another application and forget to personalise it. Yes we had the one that read: “ I believe I will be a great asset to XYZ company because…” – where it literally read “XYZ company” (and that was not the name of the company they were applying to.
- Pre-prepare answers to predicted telephone interview questions to the extent that you are reading from a script and not listening to what is being asked.
- If you’re uploading your CV to an online application system and there’s a question that says ‘why are you suited for this role’ – this is the substitute for the ‘cover letter’ in snail mail days. Do tailor this to the job and point out particular experience, skills and enthusiasm that is relevant in response to the job description.
- Get someone to check your spelling and punctuation – one slip might pass by but if you’re a serial offender applying for a job that requires attention to detail you will progress no further.
- Explain honestly any gaps in your CV or reasons for moving on after very short periods in a role. In the absence of your explanation the interviewers may assume the worst. A career break for family or belated gap year is fine- you can say what you learned from this too.
- Have a look at the company’s website before interview and note a few key facts and questions.
- Be yourself and relax at interview – let the real you shine through and have a couple of questions to show you have thought about the role and company.
Get in touch to find out more about coaching
If you’re interested in developing your self awareness, communication or management skills, confidence, time management or just getting focus on your goals, do get in touch to discuss. I believe everyone has the potential to improve their performance, motivation and happiness – coaching works because you become accountable to an external person who is a source of encouragement and support – as well as challenging your barriers.
Email Zoë Whitby: zoe@zwcoaching.co.uk
Call on: 07919 201128
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