Make Work-Life Balance Work – recommended TED Talk

Nigel Marsh - TED talk - work-life balanceA  thought provoking TED talk (10 mins) from Nigel Marsh author of “Fat, Forty and Fired”.  He points out that gaining balance is not about deciding to start going to the gym (“being a fit 10 hr a day work rat is not more balanced, it’s more fit!) – it’s about making small changes that radically change the quality of your life – paying attention to the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual well being (lovely example of how a couple of hours spent giving his young son his undivided attention resulted in his little boy telling him it had been the best day of his life).


His conclusion is that some jobs and career choices are incompatible with family life.  Companies and governments are not going to solve our work-life balance issues –  we need to take control to set and enforce boundaries.  I’ll leave you with this food for thought quote – “There are thousands of people working long hard hours at jobs they hate to be able to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like!”

Click here for the talk