Type preferences in the workplace – #4 Judging and Perceiving

People are all different MBTI

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung first proposed that we are “all different, but predictably so” – ie that we have innate (in born) preferences that drive our behaviours – how we interact and respond to situations.  Many of the personality type questionnaires used today have their roots in his work – more explanation in my blog Personality Types and the MBTI ®.

Here I take one dimension of type as described in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® and highlight how it can impact in the workplace.  Even if you don’t know your MBTI® type you can have a go at working it out from here – see at bottom of article for information on my profiling service:

Life approach: some people favour living in a planned, organised and controlled way, liking to bring things to closure (Judging) ; while others prefer to keep options open and live in a more spontaneous and flexible way (Perceiving).

In the workplace we might notice the following preferences for working environment and communication:


Like to plan work

Dislike it when things come out of ‘left field’

Enjoy finishing things – bringing to closure

Bring structure to tasks

Talk about results and achievements

Schedules and lists are natural tools

Prefer to act spontaneously – with flexibility

Adapt to last minute changes

Start tasks then leave them open for changes

Easily distracted by new information/tasks

Talk about opportunities and options

Lists reflect possible things to do when time allows



In summary:

Judger motto: ‘Work to the plan and get this closed off’

Feeler motto: ‘Enjoy the moment – be spontaneous’


Here are a few tips for each type to operate effectively and accommodate for other type


If your preference is Judging If your preference is Perceiving
Recognise that Perceivers will be less motivated to complete tasks

A list has different meaning to different people

Offer autonomy and flexibility when delegating

Draw on perceivers to support change and crisis management

Understand the Judgers need to know ‘when’

They will be ‘counting on you’ to complete tasks as agreed

They may take anything you say as ‘read’ and and hold you to it

Help them by communicating progress


Discover your own full MBTI type and get feedback to inform your self awareness of strengths and development points – click here for more information on my service.


Get in touch to find out more about coaching  

If you’re interested in developing your self awareness, communication or management skills, confidence, time management or just getting focus on your goals, do get in touch to discuss. I believe everyone has the potential to improve their performance, motivation and happiness – coaching works because you become accountable to an external person who is a source of encouragement and support – as well as challenging your barriers.

Email Zoë Whitby: zoe@zwcoaching.co.uk

Call on: 07919 201128

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