Speak so People Listen – Recommended TED Talk


TED Tal - Julian

Listening is one of the key competencies of a coach – we have to listen to our clients, whatever they are saying!  Many of the people I work with are managers who want to influence others or those who want to increase their effectiveness in their careers.  So I was drawn to the potential tips in this talk by Julian Treasure (who has the intriguing title of Sound Consultant).  I was not disappointed.  Well worth 10 minutes to listen to some ‘sound’ [!] tips and watch a great example of presenting too.

In summary, there are 7 things to avoid which will put your listener off

  1. Gossip
  2. Being judgmental
  3. Negativity
  4. Complaining
  5. Excuses and casting blame on others
  6. Embroidering/exaggerating the truth (or lying)
  7. Dogma – confusing facts with pushing your own opinion

Alongside this there are tips on the sound quality of your voice for success and also some vocal warm up ideas.

View the talk here

More on listening in my article on Stephen Covey’s 5th Habit (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) – Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand